Hey everyone! Welcome back to another installment of Weekly Notes, err.. this one is monthly, where I share some interesting links and discoveries from my web explorations. Let’s dive right in!

Monthly Notes

College Admissions Consulting

  • Looking for guidance and support in your college admissions journey? Check out Goal Admit’s website for professional admissions consulting. Link

Deploy AWS WAF faster with Security Automations | AWS Security Blog

  • Learn how to accelerate the deployment of AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) using security automations. This blog post provides useful tips and insights. Link

Where are opportunities in AI

  • Founder of deeplearning.ai, Andrew Ng, shares a thought-provoking tweet about exploring opportunities in AI. Link

Ray Dalio - Wikipedia

  • Curious about the investing genius Ray Dalio? Check out his Wikipedia page to learn more about his life and achievements. Link

Coolors - The super fast color palettes generator!

  • Designers and creatives, check out Coolors for a fast and convenient way to generate beautiful color palettes for your projects. Link

Mindset of Successful Programmers - YouTube

  • In this insightful YouTube video, you’ll discover the mindset and habits that contribute to the success of programmers. Link

Andrew Ng: Opportunities in AI - 2023 - YouTube

  • Andrew Ng, an influential figure in the AI field, shares his thoughts on the opportunities in AI in this informative YouTube video. Link

Computer Vision Platform and AI Software Company | Landing AI

  • Landing AI is an AI software company specializing in computer vision technology. Check out their website to learn more about their innovative solutions. Link

CryptoHack – Introduction to CryptoHack

  • Interested in cryptography and cybersecurity? CryptoHack offers an introductory course to help you dive into the fascinating world of cryptography. Link

Hedy - Textual programming made easy

  • Hedy is a programming tool that aims to simplify the process with a textual approach. Explore their website to learn more about this promising tool. Link


  • MacWhisper offers a range of interesting content related to Apple and Mac products. Check out their podcast for insightful discussions. Link

WebLLM | Home

  • WebLLM is a platform that offers educational resources and courses on machine learning. Check out their website to explore the learning opportunities available. Link

I hope you found these links as intriguing and informative as I did. Stay tuned for more discoveries in next week’s edition of Weekly Notes. Until then, happy exploring!